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新书通报 2022-09-15 |
本次发布共8种 14册 (馆藏计14册) |
号码 |
馆藏总册 |
哲学 |
B81-06/9548 |
Essentials of interpretative phenomenological analysis [picture]/by Jonathan A. Smith, Isabella E. Nizza |
Washington, DC:American Psychological Association,2022 |
978-1-4338-3565-0 |
2 |
社会科学总论 |
C912.68/5818 |
The SAGE handbook of action research [picture]/edited by Hilary Bradbury |
Third edition.--Los Angeles:SAGE Publications,[2015] |
978-1-4462-9454-3 |
2 |
文化、科学、教育、体育 |
G26/5186 |
Identity and the museum visitor experience [picture]/by John H. Falk |
Walnut Creek, Calif.:Left Coast Press,2009 |
978-1-59874-162-9 |
2 |
文化、科学、教育、体育 |
G3/8488 |
The literature review [picture]:a step-by-step guide for students/by Diana Ridley |
2nd edition.--London:SAGE,2012 |
978-1-4462-0142-8 |
2 |
文化、科学、教育、体育 |
G3/8489 |
The SAGE handbook of qualitative research [picture]/edited by Norman K. Denzin, Yvonna S. Lincoln |
Fifth edition..--Thousand Oaks, California:SAGE,[2018] |
978-1-4833-4980-0 |
2 |
文化、科学、教育、体育 |
G434/7186 |
Learning by playing [picture]:game-based education system design and development/edited by Maiga Chang ... [et al.] |
Berlin, Heidelberg:Springer Berlin Heidelberg,2009 |
978-3-642-03364-3 |
2 |
艺术 |
J110.95/1683 |
Learning to look at modern art [picture]/by Mary Acton. |
London:Routledge,2004 |
978-0-415-23812-0 |
1 |
艺术 |
J192/6000 |
大徳寺伝来五百羅漢図 [picture]/国立文化財機構奈良国立博物館, 国立文化財機構東京文化財研究所編 |
奈良:国立文化財機構奈良国立博物館,2014 |
978-4-7842-1743-4 |
1 |
本次发布共8种 14册 (馆藏计14册) |